the reason i’ve been m.i.a. for a bit was because of my thesis show, which was up from april 25th—30th. though incredibly stressful and tiring, both mentally and physically, now that it is behind me i’m pretty happy with the whole experience.

when i signed on to do a thesis many months ago the idea was pretty different than what i ended up doing. the original plan was to create a video animation à la cory arcangel, a big inspiration or mine. however, in doing some flash animation mock-ups i realized that the arcangel method of hacking nintendo cartridges was ultimately too restrictive for what i wanted to do in that it is limited (of course) to only those images/sounds that can be produced on a nes. it’s also really fuckin hard to do. eventually it morphed into what you can see now on my website in the work section. i hope you like it.

a big thanks to professor david schorr, my principal advisor on the project and to jonas carpignano who helped to film the video for the animation and my brother evan, giantmecha for a bomb-ass original score.