but god damn it feels different.

worst night evar.

i hate the internet.

ill fix all the broken shit later…

what started as an on-a-whim mini project blew up in my face. first i decided to add those cute little bookmarks in the corner of each section panel. (which, i will note, are fucked up in ff mac—yay)
then i thought, ‘why not change the site over to full php, so i can get rid of the iframes, etc.’
then i thought, ‘why not just move the site to wordpress like i said i would’

one many-hour coding marathon later: i give you g-fighter.com, looks the same, feels the same, functions worse.

see, the thing is the two panels used to be iframes (that’s inline frames) which are essentially windows into another page. that was how you used to be able to navigate the two independently. now all the code is on the same page, which means i had to choose ‘defaults’. for example, clicking any specific post in the blog will open a page with that post and the photo section on the left. if you then click one of the photo albums on the left, you get a page with that album on the left but the right panel has reverted to a whole bunch of recent posts…see the problem?

i guess all this really means is that the whole two-panel design is just no longer functional. my options are to:

  1. leave it as is
  2. make individual post pages one full panel
  3. make everything one full panel
  4. use some crafty php to store what you were last looking at in session variables (?)
  5. redesign the site entirely

guess which one i’m least interested in doing…anyone else got any ideas?