I’m going to pickle it.
Yep, that’s exactly what I’ll do.

Put it in one of those mason jars you love so much,
find a dark spot on a high shelf,
and leave it there to pickle in the brine
of fond recall.

Of course, the trick is knowing how long to leave it.
I’m not sure how long it will take,
but I have a feeling it’ll be a while.
I’ll check on it every so often, peek through the glass
of that mason jar you love so much.
Resist the urge to open the seal.

Once its ready, after the salt and time have
leeched most of the reality out of it,
I might take it down from the shelf.
Pop open the top of that mason jar
(that you love so much).
A careful sniff to make sure it hasn’t gone rancid-
sadly, it happens sometimes-
and have a taste.

Not to be mean, but I’m pretty sure
you can’t have any.