September 26th, 2005
on a mac, you have to post a bounty to find a virus.
seriously, wil shipley is offering half a g-unit to anyone who can prove a mac running os x was detrimentally affected by a virus.
see wil’s blog
i remember a day when naming a folder ‘.sony’ would lead to crashes and even hard drive corruption—not that i ever tried that on a friends computer and ruined his parent’s tax records and had to totally play dumb, or anything.
via digg
September 25th, 2005
videogames + college = duh
finally, a little street cred
September 22nd, 2005
groundhog’s day ghost-bustin-ass bill murray on iron chef america. it dont get no better.
September 15th, 2005
not sure if any of you have your ears to the information superhighway, uh, streets, but miyamoto finally released some details on revolution’s controller.

looks like an apple-designed television remote to me. the wand features an old school d-pad and a power button. there is an analog stick attachment that makes for one of the craziest console controllers i’ve ever seen. this is no jaguar controller.
i, for one, am happy to see that at least one console maker is actually pushing the envelope and doing things differently. nintendo has said the design is still in progress but the point is they’re not just churning out a console with impressive hardware specs, but are actually rethinking the very design of a console. nintendo has been the most innovative company in the videogames industry for the last two decades, im glad to see some things never change.
see the gamespot article
ps. that chick’s got great hands, right?
**update: a revolution trailer confirms: the japanese are crazy
September 15th, 2005
to me!
and for those of you who forgot (shame on you) to get me a present, here’s an idea
ps. it’s fake
September 15th, 2005
i guess i can’t really hate on mtv for stuff like the diary: hurricane katrina in which they send sway, suchin pak and *dreamy* gideon yago to new orleans and have em talk one on one with the camera. i mean, its the youngsters who are always apathetic about this stuff and if mtv is getting it in their faces far be it for me to criticize. on the other hand, i can’t be the only person who finds it funny when the show airs sandwiched between my super sweet 16 and roomraiders california: roommates edition.
ring ring. hi, is irony there? speaking, who’s this?
oh, and heres the mtv think site: think
September 8th, 2005
i’m back at college now, so that’s why i’ve been m.i.a.
don’t worry i’ll try to keep up wit da blog