btw, we officially launched standroid the otha day. what is it you ask? take a couple of flash developers/motion graphix people/web monkeys, add a swanky design company and some robots (?) and make them have sexy time together. a bit later, one of them will squeeze out a standroid.
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but god damn it feels different.
worst night evar.
i hate the internet.
ill fix all the broken shit later…
what started as an on-a-whim mini project blew up in my face. first i decided to add those cute little bookmarks in the corner of each section panel. (which, i will note, are fucked up in ff mac—yay)
then i thought, ‘why not change the site over to full php, so i can get rid of the iframes, etc.’
then i thought, ‘why not just move the site to wordpress like i said i would’
one many-hour coding marathon later: i give you, looks the same, feels the same, functions worse.
see, the thing is the two panels used to be iframes (that’s inline frames) which are essentially windows into another page. that was how you used to be able to navigate the two independently. now all the code is on the same page, which means i had to choose ‘defaults’. for example, clicking any specific post in the blog will open a page with that post and the photo section on the left. if you then click one of the photo albums on the left, you get a page with that album on the left but the right panel has reverted to a whole bunch of recent posts…see the problem?
i guess all this really means is that the whole two-panel design is just no longer functional. my options are to:
- leave it as is
- make individual post pages one full panel
- make everything one full panel
- use some crafty php to store what you were last looking at in session variables (?)
- redesign the site entirely
guess which one i’m least interested in doing…anyone else got any ideas?
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bourdain might try a bit too hard to uphold the whole chef with a ‘tude persona, but he does get props for eating all kinds of weird shit. kitchen confidential is awesome and I recently bought his ‘les halles’ cookbook. the recipes are not necessarily mind-blowing. but then again, theyre meant to be mostly faithful french dishes, and that they certainly are. the best thing about the recipe book is the skull-with-a-chefs-hat and cross-knives on the cover.
this little blog post of his is pretty spot-on though. the food network is killing off all they’re classic (read: good) shows in favor of new ‘time-saving, calorie-cutting’ filler. people like sandra lee represent the downfall of food tv—nay, the downfall of man. in brief, she buys stuff from the store, puts it all together and claims she ‘cooked’ something (fry batter made with ranch dressing sachets, wtf?). this movement towards ‘time-saving’ nutrionless supermarket assembled junk is depressing. on the other hand, a show like molto mario, which is, imho, the best show ever to grace food network, offered simple (and thus authentic) italian dishes and the brilliant mario batali, gots the axe. ahhh mario…as bourdain agrees, mario batali is one of the most underrated genius chefs of our time. just watching one episode of molto mario. i credit mario in part with my great respect for italian cuisine: it emphasizes quality of (few) ingredients prepared to not be overprepared. the guy kicks ass and takes names on iron chef america too. mario batali…don’t get me started.
fuckin hell, i remember when the food network was ready, set, cook! and hot off the grill with bobby flay and jackie malouf…
anyway, here’s what bourdain had to say
note the 440 comments on his article. here’s me favorite:
I’m always up for some Sandra Lee bashing because I believe there is no greater force for evil in the culinary world. Actually, it’s an insult to use the words “culinary” and “Sandra Lee” in the same sentence, so forgive me. I’ll go mainline a ranch dressing packet as punishment. What sucks for anyone who really appreciates food is that Food Network is a business. An advertising and affiliate sales-driven business. They have to hire talent who will actually use the products that advertisers are buying time to promote. And, they have to hire talent that appeals to the lowest common denominator when it comes to cable subscribers. TVFN has become a hybrid of WWF, NASCAR, The View and Friends — appealing only to people who say “hey buddy” and do finger-guns with a wink when they meet people, and find the jokes on popsicle sticks hilarious. I think TVFN should give Mikey his own show and call it “Whatever, Dude” and let him do his thing. At least the boy can cook and would never let the word “tablescape” escape from his lips. Fucking Sandra Lee…….
DinerGirl | February 08, 2007 at 11:56 AM
thanks e
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paul smith animation
read more in the work section
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addressing what i think is one of the weakest parts of wordpress, aaron forgue has created a betterthumbs plugin for wordpress that allows you to create thumbnails of any kind. its impressively invisible (‘it just works’), creating thumbnails based on whatever size you choose for the full-size image in the wordpress editor (it even works in the code editor too). well done aaron…now if they can just integrate this into wordpress itself…
open source development ftw!
ps. i felt this deserved a digg
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Originally uploaded by shamgod. the barras is a semi-permanent market in the east side of glasgow. i say ‘semi-permanent because some of the ‘vendors’ there choose to make themselves less than permanent when the cops arrive. i actually got to watch them chase down this guy—very exciting.
they sell tons of crap, most of it useless, as well as some shadier items if you’re interested. i was pretty into laurence’s stall. he had some great old nudie pictures and hand-drawn pages from old fashion magazines and catalogs. nice guy too, i just cant figure out why he had four nazi flags (smack in the center of the photo). a lady asked him and he said something about getting ‘requests’ for them. hmm…
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look what i found in the last issue of vice uk (i think it was in the us one too): propz on the hipster fame
the general concensus seems to be that it was libby who tried to shag her professor. i concur (snap!)
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managed to find myself an apartment in glasgow’s merchant city. its probably nicer than i need and could very well break the bank but fuck it you only live (in glasgow) once. its a proper one bedroom too, so anyone who wants to come and visit i can promise you a couch in the ‘lounge’ (oooo, loounge). the best part is definetely the kitchen—i even brought my own cooking knife from home. the only downside: terrible curtains…
holler at ur boi
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ps. real estate agents in this country suck.
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fyi, the first four eps of 24 this saisong have been nuts—zomg.
and i can’t believe ive never seen this before:
bauer count
also, i recently rewatched season 4, serious emotional rollercoaster, but when he forces the ctu doctor to operate on the chinaman and lets paul raines die!?!! banans.
b a n a n a s.
man is that television. sadly, this clip doesnt give the full scope of audrey’s performance in this scene, which is what really brings it home, but nonetheless, enjoy
(those of you not totally familiar with the 24 history might not fully appreciate this moment, but for the rest of us, it hits—hard.)