Photo from Callie Shell
And Puppies! w00t!
Photo from Callie Shell
And Puppies! w00t!
Swedish, obviously.
‘Hitten’ off new album In Our Space Hero Suits.
Including how TVs work (in crazy Björk-land)
[youtube width=”465″ height=”376″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07kO9TtHYzQ[/youtube]
props to e for what might be the best video ever
[quicktime width=”465″ height=”387″]http://static.g-fighter.com/bjornsvin_nielsfyrst.mov[/quicktime]
Music video by Niels Fyrst for Bjørn Svin to the track Modular Noia.
props to James on the find
I’m going to pickle it.
Yep, that’s exactly what I’ll do.
Put it in one of those mason jars you love so much,
find a dark spot on a high shelf,
and leave it there to pickle in the brine
of fond recall.
Of course, the trick is knowing how long to leave it.
I’m not sure how long it will take,
but I have a feeling it’ll be a while.
I’ll check on it every so often, peek through the glass
of that mason jar you love so much.
Resist the urge to open the seal.
Once its ready, after the salt and time have
leeched most of the reality out of it,
I might take it down from the shelf.
Pop open the top of that mason jar
(that you love so much).
A careful sniff to make sure it hasn’t gone rancid-
sadly, it happens sometimes-
and have a taste.
Not to be mean, but I’m pretty sure
you can’t have any.
im sorry to say, the one and only mookie, a.k.a. ‘the lion’, a.k.a. ‘mookie no one knows how big and strong you are’, passed away last night.
he developed a tumor over the last couple months and though he luckily did not suffer much during most of his sickness, he finally gave in. those of you who knew him will be happy to hear that he was his true self almost until the very end, hungry and obnoxiously loving. i never did get to say a real goodbye to him, as he got sick after i was last home, but i think he knew how much i love him. i went through a lot with mookie, i remember thinking (and telling him) that he was the most reliable friend in the entire world, im sad to let him go.
much love mookie, hope they got enormous bowls of after-cereal milk wherever you’re headed.
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i’ll be sitting shiva all week here in glasgow (gentiles welcome).
for one more day, a site for the book of the same name, is finally live. i’ll admit to having never read any of the author’s (mitch albom) books, but apparently he sells a shit-ton of ’em. 25,000 copies of the paperback version of fomd just went into stores, each one of them pointing to the site.
the site itself allows users to generate and dedicate stars, which populate the 3d star-field interface. my first project for third eye (big up barry designer for the incredibly beautiful visual style), and my first papervision project (which let me take this opportunity to point out, is awesome.)
ps. dont worry, the title of this post is more a quotation from those cool kids at power graphixx than a reflection of my own sentiments about making websites. in reality, i think having to make up websites blows.
i guess ive been pretty busy recently.
but a big project is about to finally launch at work, all of my travels are finished, and much to my chagrin, bb ended yesterday…anyone wanna play some videogames?